About Lemonaide

About Lemonaide

Meet the faces of the Lemonaide team. We are all musicians and technologists who love finding ways to bring value to the Artist, and keep them in the spotlight in the midst of this AI boom.

Meet the faces of the Lemonaide team. We are all musicians and technologists who love finding ways to bring value to the Artist, and keep them in the spotlight in the midst of this AI boom.

Our partners

The future of music AI is 100% creator focused

At Lemonaide, we position our AI tools as co-creators, not competitors. The Lemonaide App provides creative inputs that are impossible to generate through conventional means, offering creatives a new palette for their artistic expression.

Artist focused music technology company that helps musicians find new ways to write, produce, and create, while keeping the artist front and center. Today, we are focused on doing this through Generative AI, ethically.

Michael "MJ" Jacob
CEO & co-Founder
Art > Technology

We are artists first, which means we care about art, more than technology. Because of this, our aim is to only help producers, never replace. We intentionally draw the line as idea starters - and will never plan to output full songs.

Art > Technology

We are artists first, which means we care about art, more than technology. Because of this, our aim is to only help producers, never replace. We intentionally draw the line as idea starters - and will never plan to output full songs.

Art > Technology

We are artists first, which means we care about art, more than technology. Because of this, our aim is to only help producers, never replace. We intentionally draw the line as idea starters - and will never plan to output full songs.

Art > Technology

We are artists first, which means we care about art, more than technology. Because of this, our aim is to only help producers, never replace. We intentionally draw the line as idea starters - and will never plan to output full songs.

Ethical Music AI

We believe in ethical AI.‍ We worked with producers we know and love, with consent, to train every single line of data in our algorithm. None of our data is randomly scraped from the web.

Ethical Music AI

We believe in ethical AI.‍ We worked with producers we know and love, with consent, to train every single line of data in our algorithm. None of our data is randomly scraped from the web.

Ethical Music AI

We believe in ethical AI.‍ We worked with producers we know and love, with consent, to train every single line of data in our algorithm. None of our data is randomly scraped from the web.

Ethical Music AI

We believe in ethical AI.‍ We worked with producers we know and love, with consent, to train every single line of data in our algorithm. None of our data is randomly scraped from the web.

Community Driven

We believe in creating with the community in mind. You’re who we are building for, so please send your feedback, thoughts, and ways you think AI can help you to support@lemonaide.ai

Community Driven

We believe in creating with the community in mind. You’re who we are building for, so please send your feedback, thoughts, and ways you think AI can help you to support@lemonaide.ai

Community Driven

We believe in creating with the community in mind. You’re who we are building for, so please send your feedback, thoughts, and ways you think AI can help you to support@lemonaide.ai

Community Driven

We believe in creating with the community in mind. You’re who we are building for, so please send your feedback, thoughts, and ways you think AI can help you to support@lemonaide.ai

under the hood
under the hood

About Lemonaide's Core Science Principals

About Lemonaide's Core Science Principals

From our long-term vision to our everyday decisions, we are driven and guided by our values rooted in ethical AI.

From our long-term vision to our everyday decisions, we are driven and guided by our values rooted in ethical AI.

Ethical AI Development

Our AI stack is dedicated to ethical AI development, ensuring that every data source we use has received proper consent. We build with artists and for artists, aiming to enhance their creativity rather than replace them. This principle guides our research and development across the full AI stack, from tools to datasets. Our artist-first approach is a core Lemonaide value, evident in every aspect of our work, especially in our ML research.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

We actively collaborate with artists, AI researchers, musicologists, business leaders, and others in the space. This interdisciplinary approach allows us to integrate insights from various fields, ensuring our AI understands the nuances of music while being scientifically robust and musically expressive.

Open Research and Community Engagement

We are committed to advancing the field of music technology through open research and active community engagement. By publishing our findings and partnering with both academic and industry communities, we aim to drive innovation and support artist-first AI development.

We are an AI + Artist Native Company

AI is at the core of Lemonaide, from data sourcing and selection to optimizing production pipelines. However, our ultimate goal is to serve the artist. We embrace the philosophy of being an "AI + Artist Native Company," ensuring that our AI technology complements and enhances the artistic process.

Michael “MJ” Jacob

CHief Executive Officer

Anirudh Mani

Chief science officer

Saif Abid

chief architect

Julian Lenz

Senior research scientist

Oleksandr Levinskyi

Full stack engineer

Jacob Hoffman

Community lead